Mistaken? Who the hell are they?
Mistaken is an up and coming local punk band from SoCal. They're a group of three high school boys who came together early this year in hopes of making you rock out like whoa.It all started @ Beverly Hills high school on a bright and sunny California day. Drummer Dash Borenstein was sitting quietly in the back of Mr. Farmer's band room when all of a sudden Mistaken bassist and lead singer Ben Zuiderweg jumped up out of his seat and started a revolution. Now, exactly what that revolution is about is still unknown, but it was a revolution nonetheless. The two became friends and soon thereafter, Dash was introduced to guitarist Oren Soffer.The guys got along great and in that band rehearsal room history was made.Unfortunately, after three great shows, the heat was just too much for Dash, and he left the band on good terms. Replacing him is a new revolutionary named Eric, who I'm sure will help pave the way for the sake of punk music everywhere...
9/8: Mistaken's New Drummer named!: It is official, everyone-- the guys have chosen Eric, formerly of the band Sweet Sorrow to replace former drummer Dash Borenstein. The band has been reheasing and writing new material, hopefully to be brought to all you spiffy people real soon. Keep checking out the shows page for possible updates, as well as the band bios page for the low-down on Eric. -Frances
9/3: New Drummer confirmed The guys are currently working with a new drummer, who will remain nameless for the time being. Be sure to keep checking out the site for up-to-date info about possible shows and stuff. -Frances
8/31/: New Line-up: The band would like to thank all of the cool kiddos who made it out to the Knitting Factory show last week! If you couldn't make it, you missed one hell of a show indeed. It was drummer Dash Borenstein's last show with the band, which was a sad event indeed, but not as sad as the fact that a very close friend of the band (John) moved away to New York earlier that day. "System's Corrupt" was dedicated to him and his presense was greatly missed. [Thanks for being awesome John! oi oi oi! ]
In other news, it looks like Mistaken will be taking a short hiatus until there is a new drummer. Keep checking out the site for updates, upcomming shows, as well as pictures and media. Hope you all enjoyed summer! -Frances
7/31:Knitting Factory show tickets on sale now! Tickets for the August 26th show @ the Knitting Factory in Hollywood are on sale now through this website and from members of the band so get em while they're hot! The guys will be playing second this time along with others and it's a show you definitely don't want to miss. -Frances 7/21: Photos from Mistaken's first show-
Here are just a few of the photos taken at the show that took place at the Mint last week. If you have any other photos of the band, by all means feel free to send it to me so that I can put it up on the site. Thanks and don't forget that Mistaken will be playing a show at the Cobalt Cafe on Monday! -Frances
7/18:Last night was moving... Last night Mistaken played their very first show together @ The Mint. The guys did an incredible job and really got the crowd moving. There was much moshing/skanking/dancing going on all at once, which made the awesome music even more enjoyable. Many thanks to everyone who came out for the show, all of the band's friends, families, and supporters as well as Justin Lanning and Kulprit Productions for putting on a great show. Last night was definitely a night to remember. Photos will be up soon, as well as a few other surprises so keep posted. The guys' next show will be Monday, July 28th @ the Cobalt Cafe in Canoga Park. -Frances
7/17:Today is the big day! The guys play their first show TONIGHT, as shown on the shows page of this website. Rehearsal went off without a hitch yesterday, with newly added photos throughout the site. Make sure you get there early, the guys are scheduled to go on at 7:30p.m.Tonight is going to be INSANE so don't miss it! -Frances
7/13: Whoo hoo an update! Well, it less than a week before the guys play @ The Mint and there has been much rehearsal and down time. The guys spent some time together the other day after a little photoshoot with Oren, so pictures will be posted soon. In other news,Mistaken got mentioned in L.A Weekly this week on the Mint's calendar so yay. More info later on.
7/11: Only six more days until the guys play their first show. After weeks of rehearsal, Mistaken will be taking the stage for their debut performance on Thursday, July 17th @ The Mint. Tickets are available through the band as well as @ doors. For more information, check out the newly updated shows page. -Frances
This shiznit is still under construction, fool. *gang signs*
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